Transportation Department
Transportation Services
Full busing service are offered to students in kindergarten through the 12th grade.
K-6 = 1.0 mile transportation eligibility zone.
7- 8 = All Bunsold students are eligible for district-provided transportation.
9-12 = 1.5 mile transportation eligibility zone.
Families of any students who reside within the 1/1.5 mile distance must provide their own transportation. The district reserves the right to transport students within the 1/1.5 mile limit if routes to their school are clearly dangerous and unsafe for pedestrian traffic.
All busing information for your child is available in your PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Live Link Updates
- Meet The Office Team
- StopFinder App/Bus Tracking For Parents/Guardians
- How To Become A Bus Driver
- Bus Safety Visual
- Alternate Address Form
Meet The Office Team
StopFinder App/Bus Tracking For Parents/Guardians
Marysville Schools utilizes a parent/guardian app called Stopfinder that allows parents and guardians to accurately track their children’s school bus in real-time. The easy-to-use app is secured so only authorized users will have access to school bus information.
Stopfinder, created by the district's routing software company, Transfinder, is FREE to parents and guardians and allows users to customize when they receive alerts about their children's bus location.
Because Stopfinder works seamlessly with the district’s routing system, Routefinder Plus, district transportation leaders can target communications to specific regions that may only be relevant for that area.
In addition to real time GeoAlert notifications showing the location of the bus. Stopfinder also provides school bus stop and schedule information.
If you want access to the Stopfinder app for your child's bus, Stopfinder will send out an email at the beginning of the school year so you can sign up. If you have not received this email, please reach out to our transportation department.
How To Become A Bus Driver
Click here to learn how to become a bus driver. If you have further questions, please contact the Transportation Department at 937-578-6160 or Human Resources at 937-578-6100.
Bus Safety Visual
Please click here to access a bus safety visual.
Alternate Address Form
Please click here for the alternate address form.
Other Information
- Change of Address
- Childcare Provider
- Daycare Transportation
- Discipline Procedures
- Intra-District Transfer
Change of Address
If you have an ADDRESS CHANGE, please complete the CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM and bring it and a new proof of residency to your student's school or Central Office.
Childcare Provider
If your student goes to an in-home childcare provider and is requiring transportation to the childcare provider's home, transportation will not be available until after the first 3 weeks of school if there is an available seat on that bus. At the elementary level, your in-home childcare provider must reside within your residential school boundaries in order for transportation to be provided. Please contact the Transportation Department directly.
Daycare Transportation
Discipline Procedures
Please click here to access information in regards to the transportation rules and discipline procedures.
I cannot see my child’s bus stop from the house. Are there state laws that set the standards for bus stop locations?
No law requires parents to see the bus stop from their home. Students in Ohio may be assigned to a bus stop up to one-half mile from their home, and we encourage parents to accompany their child to the bus stop whenever possible. This teaches the child safe habits of walking to and from the bus stop and may give the parent piece of mind.
I make my child wait inside of my house until the bus is at the stop. I have heard this is not allowed – is this true?
Ohio law requires children to be waiting at the bus stop prior to its arrival. Bus drivers count the students at the bus stop before they load and as they get on the bus to ensure all children are safely on board. If students are not waiting at the bus stop, the bus driver cannot count them and cannot be certain the students are all safely on board. Waiting at the bus stop before the bus arrives further ensures that no one chases after the bus – this is a very dangerous thing to do.
We moved during the school year; how do I change my child’s bus?
If you have an address change, please complete the CHANGE OF INFORMATION FORM and bring it and a new proof of residency to your student's school or the board office. They will send change to Transportation.
Why can’t my child take his science project to school on the bus?
Ohio law limits items transported by bus to only those which may be held safely in a student’s lap or stored safely somewhere in the bus other than in the driver’s compartment. No articles can block the aisle of the bus or restrict access to the emergency door. Also, no animals are allowed on the bus unless required by a student’s IEP or 504 Accommodation Plan. Glass bottles or containers also may not be carried on the bus.
Why aren’t there seat belts on my child’s school bus?
The very design of the school bus provides a high level of safety for all passengers. While seat belt use is mandated in automobiles and trucks, the bus interior is totally different. Most vehicles place the passenger’s feet some 18 inches above the road surface, approximately two feet from the front windshield and close to a dashboard containing numerous protrusions. In a school bus, the passenger is much higher off the road surface and sits a considerable distance from the windshield and dashboard. In addition, buses are equipped with a positive restraint system called “compartmentalization”. All school buses are equipped with strong, well- padded, evenly-spaced, forward-facing, energy absorbing seats which provide a safety cocoon for each passenger.
What should I do if I need to talk to the bus driver?
If you have a problem or concern related to the bus, you are asked to write the drive a note or call 937-578-6160 and leave a callback message for the driver. Please do not interrupt the bus schedule by boarding the bus and talking directly to the driver while the bus is on its route.
If I have a concern I need to share, who do I contact?
Please contact the MEVSD Transportation Department at 937-578-6160. The MEVSD Transportation Department communicates well with building administration and vice versa.
Who is responsible for my child at the bus stop?
The school district is responsible for students once they board the bus. Parents or guardians are responsible for the safety and supervision of their children to and from the bus stop and while waiting for the bus.
Why does my child have to stand in a “place of safety”?
Each child shall be assigned a designated “place of safety” on the residence side of the roadway on which the vehicle is scheduled to stop. Drivers must account for each pupil at the designated place of safety before leaving. Pupils are not to proceed to their residence until the school bus has departed.
Can my child ride home with another child?
Your child can only go home with another child for emergency purposes only. If needed, a note must be provided to your child’s building principal by both parents. The building will then contact Transportation in order to confirm if your child is able to ride home with another child.
Are video cameras on MEVSD buses?
Yes, all MEVSD buses have cameras on them. Due to FERPA, only administration can view videos.